There are about two large manufacturing bases for handbags in China, one is located in the northern Hebei province for cheap bags and the other one is in Southern Guangzhou for high quality ones. If you need handbags made of better material and with good craftsmanship, definitely must visit Guangzhou.
A stroll down Guangzhou handbags wholesale markets in Gui Hua Gang (桂花岗) area, no one will be surprised that Guangzhou lives up to its name “Leather City”.
There is also the handbags manufacturing base in Shi Ling Town (狮岭), around one hour and a half driving from City Center of Guangzhou.
Centered by Shiling International Leather City which specializes in PU leather, canvas, ribbons, zippers, straps, hooks so on, raw materials for handbags manufacturing, also can find countless of handbags factories in different sizes surrounding the nearby places.
There are handbags factories can accept orders with very small MOQ, usually about 20, 30 or 50 pieces per design, but their English is very limited. Most of the handbags manufacturers just cooperate with shops in Guangzhou Leather Markets and here back in the factory they will concentrate on manufacturing. English is a great barrier for most of them.